Friday, August 6, 2010

This one really sucks....

And it's true! Hey readers it's been a long time since I last posted. Well I don't have any pictures for today's blog (wait, i found a stock one!), but I'll be sure to get some when I have time. I've been a bit busy and have sold off quite a bit of my inventory. That being said, I still have more than a closet full of audio gear that's got to go.

So today's story, about sucking.... I went to Goodwill last week and as usual there wasn't much to purchase, so I rounded the corners and on top of one of the higher racks was this big yellow thing that caught my eye. I looked up and saw this weird 'cyclone' looking yellow thing. I yank the handle and pull it down, and behold it's a Dyson DC07 vacuum cleaner. Yeah one of those $500 vacuums was sitting at Goodwill. Immediately I rolled it up to the front where the power plug was and plugged it in. It powered on with a terrific roar. I look under at the brush and it's not spinning. Damn, the belt must be broken or something. Still, the price tag reads $19.99 and it sucks, hard.

At the counter the usual girl tells me, " I told them to price it at $50, someone still would have bought it". Well I'm glad they didn't. I bought it, stuffed it in the trunk next to the subwoofer/amp that I bough at goodwill (another story...later) and went home.

So I bring it home and let it sit for a while, since I didn't really want to mess with it or the belt. The belt is $7 on ebay, and that's apparently the only place to get it. It sat in the same place for a day, then I remembered something about the Dysons - they don't turn the brush on until you lean the handle back and put it in gear! It's to save power for the hand wand and increase suction. I plugged bit Yellow in and leaned it back, behold the vacuum works! Sure, it's missing the hand wand tools, but the hand wand and extendable hose are built into the handle so it's got those at least.

I took it apart, flushed out all the old dust, and washed all the filters (which are hand washable!). After that this thing sucked even harder, which is amazing.

$19.99 for a Dyson, from Goodwill. I had hoped for one but gave up hoping long ago as these things never happen. Persistence paid off this time. And it sure does suck.

No resale on this one. $500 vacuum - $19.50 paid (discount) = $480.50 + tax saved.